Divorce can be stressful and can have significant emotional and economic impacts on everyone involved in the family. Knowing what options are available to you can help reduce that stress by understanding what lies ahead of you. The issues typically decided during the divorce process are equitable distribution of the assets, alimony, and a parenting plan for the children (including timesharing and child support). Every divorce has a different set of facts that can impact the decision-making throughout the process, including how one will file for divorce. Allen Law, P.A., P.A. is here to help you make the best decision for your situation, and is ready to fight aggressively for your rights when it makes sense to do so. If you are considering divorce and have questions with regards to your rights, the process, and the anticipated costs, contact Allen Law, P.A., P.A. for a free initial consultation.

Simplified Divorce

Florida provides a simplified divorce process for parties who have no children, where neither spouse is seeking alimony and you and your spouse have already agreed to how the assets and liabilities will be split. Certainly, this is the least costly of all the alternatives of divorce and often can be handled without an attorney. Even so, Allen Law, P.A., P.A. can help advise the parties as to the procedural requirements and assist with the drafting of the paperwork necessary to affect a simplified dissolution for a minimal fee. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.

Uncontested Divorce

If you do not qualify for simplified dissolution, but you and your spouse agree on everything, an uncontested divorce can help shorten the process and limit the cost to both parties. This will also have the least impact emotionally on you and your children if both parties are able to reach agreement before undertaking a marital dissolution action. The parties must agree on how property and liabilities will be divided, what, if any alimony will be paid, and custody and visitation arrangements. Child support is determined by statute, and even though the court may take into consideration other various factors, often it is the guidelines provided in the statute that sets the child support. Contact Allen Law, P.A., P.A. today for a free initial consultation to discuss your uncontested divorce.

Contested Divorce

In many divorce cases, differences manifest and prevent both parties from a smooth and cooperative divorce. If there are numerous issues to be resolved, the process can become lengthy and drawn-out making the contested divorce very costly. Unlike a simplified or uncontested divorce action, representation by an attorney becomes even more important so that your rights are protected. The court will expect that you are knowledgeable of the statutes, rules and caselaw that guide the parties through the process, and assists the court in administering and making decisions on the issues in your case.

In a contested divorce the parties will first enter mediation before any judicial intervention. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement during mediation or through a negotiated settlement agreement, the divorce matter will move to trial. Like other regular court trials, evidence will be presented and testimony will be taken in front of a judge who will determine the verdict for your divorce case. As part of the representation, Allen Law, P.A., P.A. helps you investigate and gather information through discovery prior to the trial.

Allen Law, P.A., P.A. understands how hard it is to get out from a marriage and we will fight hard for you and help you to move forward. We will also give you an honest assessment based on our legal experience so that you are making decisions that are in you and your children’s best interest in how the case proceeds. Contact us today to set up your free initial consultation.

Limited Representation

Allen Law, P.A., P.A. understands that divorce can be costly and that today more and more people are choosing to enter into a divorce proceeding on their own (in other words, pro se – you are choosing to represent yourself). There may be times, however, during this process where you may need assistance with a specific aspect of the case, such as a motion for temporary child support or alimony, temporary relief, or with writing the settlement agreement or proposed final order. Allen Law, P.A., P.A. is here to help with a limited representation aimed at providing you that specific assistance. Contact us today to set up your initial consultation.

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